

A trained allergist can help devise treatment plans to help people to identify the causes of allergies and alleviate the symptoms. Our allergists have extensive training and expertise in identifying triggers and making the right diagnosis to offer the most effective treatment for your allergies.

An allergic reaction may result in angioedema, urticaria, rhinitis, sinusitis or asthma exacerbation. In a worst-case scenario, an allergic reaction may lead to anaphylaxis, which can be life threatening. In cases where the allergic reaction is severe enough to cause difficulty breathing, contact us immediately.

• Blood Test for Allergy. When a skin test cannot be performed due to medications, or it is inconclusive, an allergy blood test may be able to determine what is causing a specific allergic reaction. This test can be less sensitive than skin tests and is more expensive.

• Skin Test for Allergy. Skin tests give fast results. They usually cost less than allergy blood tests and are generally safe for adults and children of all ages, including infants.

In certain circumstances, though, skin tests aren’t recommended. Your doctor may advise against skin testing if you:

• Have ever had a severe allergic reaction. You may be so sensitive to certain substances that even the tiny amounts used in skin tests could trigger a life-threatening reaction (anaphylaxis).

• Take medications that could interfere with test results. These include antihistamines, many antidepressants and some heartburn medications.

• Have certain skin conditions. If severe eczema or psoriasis affects large areas of skin on your arms and back (the usual testing sites), there may not be enough clear, uninvolved skin to do an effective test.

• Other skin conditions, such as dermatographism, can cause unreliable test results.


Preventive medicine is a critical strategy to help people live longer, healthier lives and keep health care costs down. Promoting immunizations among our patients can significantly contribute to these outcomes.

At Relief Medical Center, our patients can receive all their required immunizations, both childhood and adult. We follow the guidelines set forth by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) when administering vaccines to our patients. When treating newborns or infants, we follow the immunization schedule as laid out by the U.S. CDC.

Some of the immunizations that we provide are:

Tetanus shots (TDap)
MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella)
IPV (Polio vaccine)
Pneumonia Vaccines (Prevnar & Pneumovax)
Zostavax (Shingles Vaccine for patients over age 50)
Flu Shots (Seasonally)
Many other vaccines


Changing your lifestyle can go a long way toward controlling high blood pressure. Our medical team may recommend you make lifestyle changes including:

• Eating a heart-healthy diet with less salt.

• Getting regular physical activity.

• Maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight if you’re overweight or obese.

• Limiting the amount of alcohol you drink.

But sometimes lifestyle changes are not enough. In addition to diet and exercise, our doctors may recommend medication to lower your blood pressure.


At Relief Medical Center, we take a multidisciplinary approach to address possible complications caused by diabetes.

Diabetes causes unique and chronic challenges. Our medical team will work with you to suggest lifestyle changes and a personalized health management program.